We’re less than 5 weeks out from the start of this years Open. We are gonna start to add more and more pieces in the ROD programming aimed at helping your Open prep. (The main programming will also address this too).
Keep at the strength work too, but bear in mind we probably won’t be getting a great deal stronger in the time frame left. Whilst you are continuing to use the linear progression each week, your focus should be on being as efficient as possible during your reps. Of course form is, and always will be king, but work at how you can improve your efficiency. Learn to re-grab your hook grip as the bars on the way down, get used to readjusting your feet quick time at the end of a rep so that you’re ready for the next rep.
(P.S: if you are interested in doing the open but are not sure of it check out the games website for all the relevant info www.games.crossfit.com ).
A): Strict Press 3 x 5 (add on 1-3kg from last time). ((Or option ‘B’ below)).
NOTES: Ever important, the Press will help ALL your other lifts, help with pull ups, hspu’s, etc so let’s not avoid this ok.
Keep your midline intact and tight. Fight for that lock out, and do not bend those knees. 🙂
P.S: if you are at a sticky point in your Press journey, try doing this instead! 🙂
‘Option B’: Press/Push Press: 2 reps/2 reps. 3 sets.
After warm up sets, pick a weight that will challenge you on the press. Note that at the end of the second press you should be in a position whereby you have to push press. As said above keep your midline intact and keep your bar path close and straight up!
B): With a new round starting every 2 minutes, complete 4 rounds of:
250m Row; 25 Double Unders.
NOTES: 🙂 Nice and spicy! Your objective is to go as fast as you can. Get your work done and get whatever rest comes your way before the next round begins. If you don’t make the reps in time you will have to go straight into the new round. You then cut your DU reps by 5 to 20 and see if that helps. (Note: the min DU rep scheme is 15).