CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Monday 21st July

Concentrate hard on your quality of movement. Always strive to move well and with virtuosity.

Remember: “practice makes perfect, and perfect practice makes permanent”.

As always please listen to your body. If it ain’t on, it ain’t on!! rest and mobilise!


Monday 21st July


A): Split Jerk, 5 x 3, building to 80%


(Note: Make use of the Jerk Blocks here. Spend 5-10 minutes practicing footwork and speed under the bar before adding any weight to the barbell. The Jerk Blocks are a great tool to help you get under some decent weight without the worry of what is actually overhead. If you can’t quite lock something put it’ll simply drop a foot or so back onto the blocks. Saves cleaning it back up again!

Really try to get your dip-drive under control, and aggressive. Only a shallow dip is required, knees out! of course, get that bar jumping off your chest and in that instant drive yourself down to a fully locked out position. This is the time to iron out the “press-out” that often occurs when we second guess ourselves in this move. Don’t be afraid of the bar, start moderately and try to build to around 80% of your 1RM push jerk. See how it feels and we will build upon this in the future. ).

Second note: Logistically the blocks have been placed in the best position for the gym at the moment so please don’t move the base blocks around. On a technical note if you are a left foot jerker (thats if your left foot goes back behind you) then please face the gym side when on the bar. If you are a right foot jerker then please face the ‘Oasis’ when on the bar. The Blocks have been positioned to allow plenty of room for the feet to move but if you face these ways then you will have even more room to play with.





B): Ring Dips,

For Strength & Quality: 20 Reps (8 min time cap).

Note: This one will depend on how you’ve been feeling this week. If yesterdays WOD (or Tuesday’s for that matter!) has left you feeling sore or beat with the pushing elements, then maybe skip this for this week and mobilise instead.

If you are up for having a go then the focus is on building a solid strict-form-strength in the dip as well as looking at the quality. There is an 8 min time cap to it so please don’t rush the exercise just so you say you got it all done in under 8 mins.

If large numbers of reps is too much stick to small doses from the start. Remember we need to see you shoulder pass below the point of your elbow (this means the ring needs to touch your bicep or armpit region). We also need full lock at the top. Think about turning your thumbs out as you lock out, it’ll help.




Please respect all movements and do them to the best of your ability. Swallow your pride, if you cannot do a move because its too heavy then lighten the load! If you cannot get the technique right then either grab a coach or call it a day there.



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Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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