2019 CBD Benchmark Cycle WoD – “13.4”
Complete As Many Reps As Possible in 7 Minutes
3 Clean & Jerks
3 Toes To Bar
6 Clean & Jerks
6 Toes To Bar
9 Clean & Jerks
9 Toes To Bar
Keep adding on 3 reps each time until the is called
M: 62.5 kg. —|— W: 42.5 kg.
- FANTASTIC workout to kick off your shortened week here in Melbourne town! This old classic packs a serious punch when you find the right conditions for yourself (for “conditions” read scaling options). The weight should be getting linked together in a feat of barbell cycling awesomeness. Choose a weight that will always allow you to hit 3 reps at a time.
- For your toes to bar your grip will be the limiting factor. Today is a great day to experiment with small but quick sets. Keep jumping back up and see just how far you are able to get through in just 7 minutes.
- If you aren’t aware yet of what that all means then read here to see the original Blog post, & then click here to see ALL the Benchmark WoDs you will be getting tested on multiple times over this year.
- To truly be varied in our Benchmarking & testing we must test across a multitude of modalities.
- Today we hit up a golden oldie. This one tests your grip like few other workouts will. The barbell is meant to be cycled “touch & go style and the toes to bar want to be done in as few sets as possible each time. All this will demand a huge amount on your grip strength! Let’s see what you got!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
- Compare to 26/06/19
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