Apologies on the delay if these posts. Our website was down for a few hours yesterday whilst we had it upgraded to be mobile applicable. If you have your iPhone handy go check out the site. It looks awesome!!
Anyways back to business.
A): Strict Pull Up 3 x 12
NOTES: looking for hardest possible, consistent, scaling. This means we scale it if need be from start to finish. The only exception being if you are able to hit out a rep or two unassisted then by all means do so and then grab your band (just the one colour mind, no mix & matching). For anyone needing the bands from the get go you must stick with the one colour or colour combo. You cannot start on say an orange band, then add in a pink, then add in a yellow. Etc, etc.
concentrate on activating your lats (back muscles) and visualise lifting yourself with these muscles and not just your arms. Think “elbows down” when you’re closing in on the bar. It does not have to be unbroken. Try not to rest longer than 3-4 mins between sets.
*for those that are guns at this and can go unbroken on all 3 sets then add a bit of weight by virtue of a vest of a dumbbell.
B) Barbell Bent Over Row 3 x 8
NOTES: slightly less reps than last week. This is with the intention of going heavier. Rembrandt the notes from last week about your set up stance. Leading with your dominant foot & driving back up to your start position under control. Brace those abs!!