Happy Monday folks!!
Remember to always listen to your body. If you’re feeling worse for wear sub out one of the tasks today and get some mobility in.
A): Barbell Bent Over Row, 5 x 10 (Aim is to get the load to that of your “8’s” that were in previous weeks)
Form tips:
Important move this. make sure to keep your back dead straight. make the bar touch the body on each rep.
the challenge here is set the load you to the same load you use for sets of 8. We also want to keep rest to a minimum and challenge you to achieve all reps successfully.
don’t dilly dally with this and the objective is unbroken sets.
B): Midline! Superset the following two movements:
B1): GHD Sit Up (if not experienced at the GHD sub in Overhead sit up @15/10kg)
B2): GHD Hip Extension (if not experienced at the GHD sub in BB good mornings @20/15kg)
3 x 10-20 reps of each.
Notes: Midline Stability! This is crucial for the ab work. If doing the overhead sit up version guys go for 15kg, Girls go for 10kg.
On the barbell good mornings the key is not to round the back at all. the objective is not to see how far down you can bend over with a bar on your shoulders. Rather we’d like to see your lumbar curve kept intact. Only go as far as when you feel your hammiest tug a little. drive back up aggressively to extension.
If you have experience on the Glute Ham Developer (GHD) you are to treat it (and your back) with respect. Each & every rep is to be done with PERFECT FORM. Slam your quads hard in the sit up. on the hip extension it’s to done aggressively with a big squeeze of the butt! If you are unsure (or we see you doing it wrong!) get a coach to show you the way.
Note: If you have never been on the GHD before then you are not to use it unsupervised! No exceptions.
Enjoy 🙂