CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Monday 2nd Decmeber

Summertime !!!!!

A): Strict Pull Ups, 3 x 10. (17 mins max time on this).

NOTES: Hey there! Summer has arrived!!! Yah!! Anyways back to fitness business. The objective here is to not lose any of the strength that we gained in “Strictober”. The sets don’t have to be unbroken BUT the minimum number of reps per visit to the bar should be 3. This is a strength exercise and NOT A WOD, therefore time should be taken on these sets and the rest between the sets should be a minimum of 3 mins and probably capped at no more than 5 mins. If this means bands are needed then so be it. There is absolutely no shame in using them. But, and it’s a big but, there is to be no hangs of scaling once you start. This means think hard about your choice of band. If you come unstuck and cannot complete proper full ROM reps then so be it. Call it a day there and learn for next time. In he long run it will be much, much more beneficial for your strength levels and shoulder health.
Please remember pul ups are much like HSPU’s, and to a certain extent the Oly moves. Not only is it a case of the more you practice them the better and stronger you become at them. But if you don’t practice them enough (and by practice I mean good honest FULL ROM REPS) you will actually “lose” them. We all know what I mean by that! You need need need to regularly do these things in order to get better at them.
If you are super-duper at these add some weighed by virtue of a vest or DB.
Enjoy peeps πŸ™‚

B): 30 Knees To Elbow for TIME and QUALITY (3 min time cap).

NOTES: this one is a doozy. The thing we’re looking of is consistency (as well as strong abs and a strong trunk of course). You are not only going for a time here but we are looking for the upmost quality. We are talking about the actual elbow making contact with your knee and not the bicep or armpit. (Of course if you cannot do K2E’s as prescribed please use these 3 mins plus 2 more to practice your technique and see if we can get you closer to that elbow). You do not need to be able to string 8’s, 10’s, 12 rep unbroken but beware that the limit is 3 mins and not a second more.
Work on your kip technique to help you out. You should be “slamming” the pull up bar down engaging your lat muscles as you are simultaneously trying to get your knees up, up, up.
Be super honest, if you think you can do this as prescribed DO NOT count any reps where the knee and elbow do not meet and touch.

C): with a 4 min clock, accumulate as much time in the handstand hold (10 Push Ups every time you come off the wall).

NOTES: This will require a LOT OF STABILISATION. Warm up the shoulders beforehand with 30-40 pass throughs with a broom and a few practice go’s of about 15-25 secs in hold before you start the timer.
You must brace your core to its very shell! Pull your rib cage in and do not arch your back and hang out on the lower back fibres. You will need to push your active shoulders with all your might and squeeze your butt and legs so so tight. Also it should be noted that the only thing allowed to touch the wall is the heels of your shoes. Your butt or upper legs should NOT touch the wall. If they do then all seconds in that position are classed as void.
As a safety not please do not do the 4 mins unbroken (which means we’re asking you to do push ups! Hehe!). 90-120 secs should be the max time spent unbroken upside down. This. Suffolk your safety here, we do not want to see you pass out or anything like that. πŸ™‚
But have fun all the same! πŸ™‚


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Rooftop of Dreams

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