WoD: “You Got Abs??”
Complete 3 Rounds For Time
Seamstress Run
15 Overhead Squats
Hanging L – Sit for time equal to OHSQ time
M: 42.5kg —|— W: 30kg
- The long weekend is over. Someone won the footy Grand Final. Some Rugby was played at the World Cup. Beers were drunk, burgers were eaten. But its Monday which means it’s time to get back to work!
- Today poses a nice neat little challenge to showcase your well roundedness in your overall fitness. The 600m run will get those legs cooking for sure. Then the squats which are meant to feel light to moderate and something you will do in 1 set, maybe 2 as you tire. Reason being is that (A) we want you to move well and move fast, and (B) that L-sit that comes after will be dependant on your overhead squat performance.
- For those L-sits the time is based on the amount of time you spend on your “OHS”. This is from the time you put your hands on the bar to when you put the bar down after your 15th rep. If you need to break your 15 reps then the clock is still running and thus your L-sit time is mounting up. The time is accumulated so if you take 45 seconds to do your squats then you need to accumulate the 45 secs in as many sets as needed. Challenge yourself. Not many people will hold a straight-legged (“RX”) hold for 45 secs unbroken. So we don’t need you modifying to an unbroken tuck hold. Aim for a standard that you can open up your first hold attempt for about 20-25 secs max.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your TIME to Beyond The Whiteboard.
“The L-sit is little known outside the gymnastics community but may be the most effective ab exercise …..
….. Athletes who have developed their L-sit to the point where they can hold it for three minutes subsequently find all other ab work easy”
-Greg Glassman-
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