Been a week since the last ROD post (we wanted to keep it low key so everyone would be in fine fettle for 14.1). Now we are into the Open we can look to keep up our training. The Open is 5 weeks long and for some that will tire you out more than you realise so listen to your body!!
If you are at all not feeling up to this today then feel free to sit it out. there will be some “catch up” moments programmed later this week.
Also you will have noticed the “Level 2” section. This is only for the experienced CBD athlete. And one who has been following this program and/or has shown that they have been able to handle extra work on top of the main programming. So if you are looking at this for the first time or have only ever done the “3×5” once or twice then you are to continue on the 3×5 road for now.
A): Overhead Squat 3 x 5. Heavier than before if possible, same load on all sets.
Level 2*: Every minute on the minute for 7 mins of: 3 Overhead Squats @ 70-80%
Notes: Providing you feel you have recovered enough from the open WOD then feel free to do this. Make sure you have sufficiently warmed up your shoulders. Broomstick pass-throughs, handstand holds and the like should be attempted before you even pick up a barbell. When you do get the bar out get a fair amount of reps done with the empty bar before adding plates on. we’re talking 20-30 reps here.
On the form front, get those shoulders active. Push up hard on the bar, and make sure you “show your biceps” forward. By that we mean rotate your shoulders externally at all times. Do this by doing the aforementioned biceps cue, or have the elbow tip face down/elbow pit face up. Or think of holding plates in your hands like a waiter. Whichever cue world for you apply it and look after your shoulders.
Feet should be in the same position of that of your air, front or back squat. Don’t let poor mobility come in the way. If you cannot maintain the correct positioning with heels firmly on the ground and knees over toes then sub this one out for 30 mins mobility on the hips/quads/ankles.
B): 3 rounds NOT for time of:
3 wall walks; 5 inverted burpees; 7m bear crawl.
Notes: This one is to be treated very carefully. If you have any niggles going onion the shoulders then do not do this. Also if you cannot do handstand holds or even kick ups to the wall, then you will be subbing in normal burpees for the inverted type (and you will need to grab a coach to watch over your first round to check form & safety).
This will be very taxing on the shoulders so please do not try to blitz this for time. That is not the point at all. We want you to practice your body positioning throughout. Tight belly in everything. learn to be comfortable with the up & down, roly poly nature of all these moves.
On the form front look to maintain active shoulders throughout the wall walks, only go to your limits (this means do NOT go nose to wall if you cannot hold good form!!), chest is to on the ground at the start & end of each rep. On the inverted burpe e you need to roll back onto the tips of your shoulders with toes pointing to the sky, roll back onto your feet (preferably without using your hands to help you up) and then kick up into a handstand on the wall. On the bear crawl, keep the weight shifted onto your hands. Don’t hide behind them. Most people often make the mistake and think its an “on all fours” crawl. it’s not as simple as that, you need to lean forwards onto the hands and with a straight arm go a crawling for 7 mats long.
Remember most of this mini WOD is done with a straight arm, this means think active shoulders at all times!
And we repeat do NOT do this if your shoulders are not up to the task.
*: Note that Level 2 is only for experienced CBD athletes. If unsure then ask the coach which one you should do today. Don’t be offended if we tell you not to do level 2!