WoD – “CrossFit Lift-Off Event”
[A]: Olympic Lifting
Find Your 1RM Snatch
[B]: Olympic Lifting
Find Your 1RM Clean & Jerk
[C]: CrossFit WoD
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes of:
25 Pull Ups
50 Calorie Row
100 Overhead Squats (20kg)
50 Box Jumps
25 Pull Ups
- The 3rd Annual CrossFit lift-Off has arrived! This is an event similar to that of the CrossFit Open & Team Series in that CrossFit HQ run this online.
- This time around they charge us with finding our heaviest lifts in the Olympic Lifting movements, The Snatch and The Clean & Jerk. After this we are given a CrossFit WoD to complete (“C” above). This is the work capacity test. The bread & butter of CrossFit if you will.
- This is a nice way of testing our well roundedness as CrossFitter’s. Some heavy lifting, some huffy puffy. What more could you want??
- Use today as a way to benchmark some numbers to take forward into next year. The WoD will also act asa niece reminder of how the CrossFit Open feels like again. It is only 85 odd days away y’know!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
Post your LOADS from the lifting & Number of REPS from the WoD to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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