‘Open’ WoD: “12.4 / 13.3”
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes
150 Wall Ball Shots
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle Ups
M: 9kg to 10ft. —|— W: 6kg to 9ft.
- Hitting up an old classic today. With the 2020 CrossFit Open only 1 week away it is the perfect time hit up an oldie to duct off the cobwebs!
- Back when this reared its head for the first time in 2012 it proved to be a true test of fitness with the separating factor being getting a single muscle up at the end. Nowadays with the evolution of the fitness level of the “everyday CrossFitter” the separation is no longer about getting one but rather it is now how about many muscle ups will be had. This workout pushed us to aspire to new levels of fitness and THAT is exactly why the Open is such a valuable experience to take part of each year.
- Let’s quickly break this one down. There are 12 mins on the clock and you begin with 150 wall balls!! This is also known as the benchmark WoD “Karen”. Let that sink in for a moment and then come to terms with the fact you are going to be spending at least half of your time on the wall ball! Have a plan A on how to attack the rep scheme. Then go get a plan B. You will probably need it. The trick here isn’t to sandbag your wall ball effort because you have other stuff to do after. Unfortunately you are going to still have to push through and get to that rope.
- Relax as much as you can on the rope and be prepared to break up the 90 reps (even if you are a ninja at them).
- Then fight for as much time as you can on the rings. You may get 3 mins or you may get just 45 seconds. In either case come to that part with a plan to try and move as soon as you can.
- The other part about today to make this more “open-esqe” will be that we will go in weaves and COUNT FOR EACH OTHER!! Yup, this will benefit us both in the fact that someone may “no-rep” us but also it gives us a chance to actually count reps fort someone so that we have at least a little bit of experience in thew art of it.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your Number of REPS to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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