WoD: “Locomotive”
In Teams of 2:
Complete For Time :
100 Calories, Row or Bike
100 Medicine Ball Cleans
100 Shoulder To Overhead
100 Toes To Bar
100 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
100 Medicine Ball Cleans
100 Calories, Row or Bike
M: 9kg Ball. 35kg Barbell. —|— 6kg Ball. 25kg Barbell :W
- It’s the first Saturday of the month and it’s that time again for a PARTNER WOD!!
- Split the work up anyhow. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Maybe it doesn’t need to be a 50/50 split. Maybe you lean on your buddy if they can move the bar faster. Maybe you are better at Toes To Bar so can take on more work. Maybe you are a well matched pairing and you decide to work to time windows. 40 secs max rowing until the 100 is met. Or a loose version of “tabata” with you working for 20 secs flat out followed by 20 secs off?
- Fitness doesn’t always need to be so rigid. After all, we like to program partner WoDs from time to time not only to garner some high intensity but also to have some fun and find something new out about our abilities.
- Either way we have some work to do so let’s get cracking!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your TIME to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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