Hero WoD: “Omar”
Complete For Time:
10 Thrusters
15 Burpees Over Bar
20 Thrusters
25 Burpees Over Bar
30 Thrusters
35 Burpees Over Bar
M: 42.5kg —|— W: 30kg
This workout was created to honour U.S. Army First Lieutenant Omar Vazquez, 25, of Hamilton, New Jersey. Click here to see when it first posted on “.Com”.
- Saturday spicefest waiting for ya on the rooftop!!
- We all know what an amazingly difficult combo thrusters and burpees can be (If you don’t you’re in for a treat!). A very famous theme is the CrossFit Open workout where the reps decreased from 21 to 3 reps. Even though the reps always went down thus giving us some modicum of hope it was still hella hard work!! Now imagine the rep sachem going UP!!
- Yup!
- This is what will add the spices today. We start off with some low numbers and it just keeps climbing. Watch you don’t get sucked into racing the first set of burpees too hotly as you need to find a pace you can hold pretty consistently for the majority of this one. With that said don’t also go out too slow at the start otherwise you risk never really getting that dose of intensity that is being offered up today.
- What we are basically saying is find a groove. Not too fast, not too slow. Just enough to hurt and then keep that level of discomfort going all the way.
- Choose a weight on there bar that represents something moderate to you. Feel free to break up there 20 & 30 one/two time/s each respectively but no more than that. Do that and this one will make sense by the end.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
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