WoD: Running To Cindy’s
In 8 Minutes Complete:
800m Block Run
In Remaining Time AMRAP Rounds of Strict “Cindy”
REST 2:00
In 8 Minutes Complete:
800m Block Run
In Remaining Time AMRAP Rounds of Strict “Cindy”
REST 2:00
In 8 Minutes Complete:
800m Block Run
In Remaining Time AMRAP Rounds of Strict “Cindy”
- 1 Round of Strict “Cindy” comprises of: 5 Strict Pull Ups, 10 Strict Push Ups, 15 Air Squats.
- Objective here. Run the 800 block as fast as you can. Pacing this run won’t make much sense in todays context.
- When back up the stairs use whatever time is left to knock out as many rounds of Strict Cindy as you can!! Yes, we are still on the Strict pull up bandwagon! Get used to it 🙂
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
Post your Number of ROUNDS from each interval to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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