Happy 6th Birthday CrossFit CBD!!!
Today we celebrate the way we do best – with a beautiful yet disgusting Partner Workout!!
Partner WoD – “Devils Playground”
6 Rounds, 6 Moves, 6 Reps = Devils in the details!!
6 Rounds, EACH For Time:
6 Deadlifts
6 Power Cleans
6 Push Press
6 Clean & Jerks
6 Power Snatches
6 Overhead Squats
- 6 Rounds, 6 Moves, 6 Reps. Welcome to the Devils Playground.
- Now before you cry, this is the plan: In your pairings (M/M or F/F pairs) choose a weight you are both happy with. One that will be used consistently with each movement, across all 6 rounds.
- It might be light for one movement but heavy for another so choose wisely.
- Each movement is to be performed with strict technique.
- We will do this round for round (“You go, I go”). One partner completes an entire round then your teammate starts a round. Keep going until you have BOTH done 6 rounds!!
- Then hang around, or come back at 10:45am for a sausage sizzle to celebrate our 6th Birthday!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
Post TIME & LOAD used as a pair to Beyond The Whiteboard.
The 2018 CrossFit Season is officially upon us!! And it all starts with our favourite time of the year, The Reebok CrossFit Open!! Register yourself HERE.
Important notes: Be sure to select CrossFit CBD as your ‘Affiliate” AND as your “Team”
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