Strength WoD: Heavy Single
In 15 Minutes find a “Heavy Single for the day in the:
Clean & Jerk
WoD: “Cleaning Up!”
With a Rolling Clock:
0:00 – 05:00 Mins:
China Town Run
MAX Clean & Jerks (60 / 40 kg)
05:00 – 10:00 Mins:
China Town Run
MAX Clean & Jerks (50 / 35 kg)
10:00 – 15:00 Mins:
China Town Run
MAX Clean & Jerks (40 / 30 kg)
- Lots of lifting today!
- The Olympic lifts need regular practice and every time you do them you are striving for progress each time. To be that little bit better than before. Go into today to focus on one thing for yourself. It may be the finish of the leg drive, it could be the set up. Don’t try to win every battle all of the time as it often leads to more frustration & failure than successes.
- In the WoD today pick a weight win round one that you can get at least 15 reps out. You WILL NEED to run hard! No sandbagging this.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
Post c&j load than collective amount of REPS to Beyond The Whiteboard.
Poetry in motion!
Score pic to follow..
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