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Partner WoD – “AMRAP Fran”
In Teams Of 2 Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 minutes
21 – 15 – 9
Thrusters (42.5 / 30 kg)
Pull Ups
- “Intensity is the independent variable most commonly associated with maximizing favorable adaptation to exercise,” – CrossFit Founder and CEO Greg Glassman
- In short the harder you work, the faster you work, the more result you will see. Not everyday calls for super high intensity. There is a time & place for controlled strength work, for intervals, for aerobic pacing, etc. Today however calls for you to move yourself as fast as you can whilst holding onto your technique. Hitting this variant of the most famous WoD of them all with a buddy alongside you we know you can pour your everything into this one. Use the resting time you will get to enable you to hit every work piece as hard as possible.
- We guarantee if you do this you will feel the result at the end!
- Check out this cool short article on Intensity from the Crossfit Journal here (FYI: If you like learning all things CrossFit related but aren’t pouring over the CF Journal yet consider giving it a look through. Its worth its weight in gold with a massive archive of solid knowledge. Get off Facebook & the faffy articles & click here instead). 🙂
- WoD Logistics/Flow: Partner 1 will complete 21 Thrusters. Partner 2 will then complete 21 Thrusters. Continue on through the 15’s & 9’s in this fashion. Once both parties have completed the 21-15-9 this will be one completed round (180 reps). Start back over at the 21’s again and keep going until the 20 mins are up. Only one person to be working at any one time. Where possible use the same barbell. You can have your own individual pull up scales as required.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
Post number of rounds/reps completed to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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