Partner WoD:
“To Me, To You”
Together Complete For Time:
4 x China Town Runs (2 each)
10 Rounds of:
10 Power Cleans (42.5 / 30 kg)
10 Shoulder To Overhead
10 Thrusters
4 x China Town Runs (2 each)
- Buddying up is a fantastic way to add some intensity & urgency to a workout. It enables us to work longer because we can program in rest periods in there. This is, these rest periods then allow you to absolutely smash the tasks at hand way faster than you would on your own.
- Only one of you is working at at time so when you’re on you are ON! You are sharing the work as follows:
- Runs = “You go, I Go” style. tag in & out and hit two FAST runs each.
- Barbell = Alternate the moves as they come (e.g.: P1 does 10 power cleans, then P2 does 10 Shoulder To Overhead, & P1 then completes 10 Thrusters. P2 would then hit 10 power cleans & so on….).
- 2nd batch of Runs = As above.
- Share the same barbell. Choose a weight you can go unbroken for the entire thing, or at least the vast majority of. Run as FAST as you can. Burn some rubber!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- 35 Min time cap. Scale as needed.
Post TIME on your Beyond The Whiteboard account.
Partner WoDs are a great way to jack up the intensity!!
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