On The Eleventh Day of Christmas CrossFit CBD Gave To Meeeeeeeee……..
Complete For 3 Rounds For REPS
1 Minute of Burpees
1 Minute of Power Snatch
1 Minute of Box Jumps
1 Minute of Thrusters
1 Minute of Chest To Bar Pull Ups
1 Minute of REST
- We are coming to the end of our annual end of year celebration, the “12 days of CrossFit Christmas”. 12 days of back to back benchmark/named WoDs to take us up to Christmas. Tons of fun times lie ahead!
- Today we revisit a CrossFit CBD Benchmark Cycle WoD. This one is modelled on the famous WoD “Fight Gone Bad” in which we are tasked with going for as many reps was possible in 1 minute in that given movement. Nothing is meant to stop you in your tracks movement wise. It’s all considered lightweight. The gymnastics should be free flowing and come the end of each round you are gasping for air!!
- If you have done this one before go back and think about how it went down. What could we each do differently to make the experience better and get something from the workout.
- One thing is for sure, we will be earning our fitness today!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your number of REPS from each move & the round totals to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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