WoD: “Barbara”
Complete 5 Rounds, Each For Time
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Air Squats
Rest exactly 3 Minutes between each round
- Classic named workout for you to get your teeth into today. Furthering our preparation for “Murph” in a few weeks. This will expose us to those large sets of pull ups, push ups & squats. Play about with how you attack each movement. For example maybe you try to keep your pull ups unbroken? Push ups always in 15’s? Air squats unbroken (you know you want to!).
- In any case this WoD is superb for learning to deal with fatigue. The 3 minute rest between each round allows you to attack the next round with some vigour however 3 minutes is not enough to fully recover from the fatigue of all the work.
- Get out to a good, strong start and hold on to what you can!!
- Enjoy!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
Post your ROUND TIMES as you see it on the timer to your Beyond The Whiteboard account.
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