Strength WoD: “Holy M-OLY”
For Load:
Power Clean & Push Jerk
2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2
- Heavy Day on a classic variation of an Olympic Lift.
- Why do we Olympic Lift within the CrossFit program? Well the mere practice of the Olympic lifts teaches us how to apply large amounts of force. This force transfer is achieved by learning to use our body in the most efficient way. The ‘OLY’ lifts teach us amongst other things: coordination, speed, strength, balance, agility, & of course POWER!
- The Olympic lifts though can be like learning to dance however. It takes time to get your technique right & its something that will require consistent practice in order to get & then remain proficient at it. Put your best foot forward & take the time to LEARN the lift inside out. Get a LOT of practice in!!
- These are “touch & go” reps.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
Post loads to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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