WoD – “Strength Day”
[A]: Back Squat:
20 Reps
[B]: Pull Up Progression:
Sets / Reps / Standards dependant on ability & also numbers done last week.
- Heavy day!!
- Add 5 – 7.5kg on from last week. Come on in and lets see some progress. (This is the second to last week of this progression).
- On the pull ups your movement standards, sets & reps are determined by your current ability. We will have all the numbers you need to know on the board. Be sure to come in today and don’t miss out on the chances to progress. (Note: this will be the last week of the progression for 2017. We will pick things up again in the new year).
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
- Look back to last week and come in informed & ready about your numbers / standards.
- If you weren’t in last week then yuu will need to look back on your most recent back squat 1RM & the opening set of pull ups from “Nicole in a boat” and use these stats to determine how you attack today.
Post LOAD from the Squat & what you did in your pull ups to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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