Hero WoD: “TK”
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 Minutes
8 Strict Pull ups
8 Box Jumps
12 Kettlebell Swings
M: 36″ Box. 32kg KB —|— W: 30″ Box. 24kg KB
This workout was created to honour U.S. Army Major Thomas E. Kennedy, 35, of West Point, New York, . Click here to see when it first posted on “.Com”.
- Great workout on the cards today. Not only are we taking on a Hero WoD but this is a fantastic training workout. The numbers are low enough for you to really work at your craft in three very useful tools that can add to your fitness.
- Strict pull ups. You know we are BIG fans of these. This is THE foundation for you if you are after thew kipping version and also muscle ups. If you think CrossFit is all about just wantonly flinging yourself on a bar without having the prerequisite strength in your shoulders you are very much mistaken!!
- High box jumps. These are AMAZING for developing (and showing off) your power. There is a direct link from those that can show great potential and jump very high to the Olympic lifts. This is because we need to be able to open our hips fully in order to do both well. If you need an incentive to jump high this is it.
- Lastly Heavy Kettlebell Swings. These are going all the way overhead. It is a dozen reps. Not a lot but just enough to make you work for it. Lets aim to keep these unbroken all the way.
- Set yourself a pace and stick with it. There is scope for a lot of rounds today. Let’s get after it!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your Number of ROUNDS to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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