Strength WoD:
For Load:
Strict Press
3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3
- Foundational movement for Strength Day today. Time to get hench-er!
- The strict shoulder press builds all the basis of your upper body strength. You want to be able to get that 1RM clean & jerk overhead? You better darn have some strong shoulders to catch that bar. You want kipping handstand push ups? Same deal!
- It may not be as sexy as a lot of other CrossFit moves but its value and more importantly its carryover sees it unrivalled by many as one of the most important strength builders out there.
- Heavy sets of 3 are no joke. All the bracing, squeezing & the ringing out of energy needed to get the up overhead is phenomenally taxing on the body. Stay tight, brace hard and lets see the real gun show come to town!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
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