WoD: “Backs Up Against The Wall”
10 Rounds For Time:
4 Strict Handstand Push Ups
10 Wall Balls (9/6 kg, 10/9 ft)
- Mastery of movement is the name of the game today (isn’t it always??). The Strict Handstand Push Up (HSPU) is a vital & foundational component to mastering your overhead strength potential & also to how you orientate your own body through space.
- We want to champion FULL RANGE OF MOTION as much as possible. This means things like pushing 40 reps to an ab-mat won’t be on offer tomorrow. Instead lets find a scale that will properly challenge you AND allow you to work those shoulders to their fullest.
- Don’t underestimate this wall balls either! It only be 10 reps but remember theres 10 awesome rounds ahead of you!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
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