Still drinking that H2O??
nice spicy ones for you today – short and sweet!
Any queries or questions about anything, come grab a coach.
A): Tabata Double Unders (Thats one tabata consisting 8 rounds of 20 sec on/ 10 sec off, for a total of 4 mins)
NOTES: This there to help get your rhythm in double unders. When these bad boys pop up at the open and indeed in our WODs at CBD, you want to be able to knock out a given number of reps when called upon. In the cycles of 20 secs we want you to establish a number early on and keep to within 5-10% of it. Of course in tabatas you are striving for max reps each time but this time when you hit that early figure, you now have a target to chase. You’re actually building a skill here as well as fitness. Having the ability to stop when you want to, not when you trip over your rope or get gassed.
Of course for those who are still trying to get those pesky doubles, we want you to practice for a solid 10 mins on them, not getting distracted by a barbell or someone wanting to chat. Ask to have a timer put up and stick to your task. Unfortunately the best advice we can offer is to keep practicing and try not to get too frustrated.
B): 3 rounds of: 60 secs on, 60 secs off of the following:
MAX calories on Rower
Burpees (number of reps to be that of the calls just rowed*).
NOTES: This one is awesome! Right, so the task at hand is you jump on the rower at the start, go for MAX calls (no gaming!), you then rest 1 minute. After the rest you are then doing burpees trying to hit the same number that you did in calls on the rower. When you hit the number required stop and take the extra few seconds rest. That was one round, repeat for 3 rounds, the rest after the burpees is the transitions between rounds. The whole thing will take 11 mins…..or will it?! (If you don’t hit the number of burpees check out the asterisk note below!!).
this is good old fashioned work capacity! Of course it is hot so make sure you are well rested from the double unders and that you are well hydrated. Use the rest periods wisely and sit and drink water. If the heat is too much come see us and we can devise something for you.
*If you do not hit the required number of burpees it’s a penalty of……….100m on the rower per burpee missed!