We are week 2 of the new cycle. If you don’t know what means head back to last weeks ROD posts to read an explanation on the system. Week 2 of the Wendler way sees us lifting for 3’s. The sets end up at 90% so make body and mind are both switched on.
Thursday 16th October. Wave 1; Week 1.
A): Barbell.
Strict Press
3 Reps @ 70%
3 Reps @ 80%
3+ Reps @ 90% (This is the Max Effort set. Aim for 6+ reps).
* Remember the %’s are to be calculated off of 90% of your 1RM! *
If not doing Wendler do this:
3 x 3, same load across, 80-85%.
B): Gymnastics.
10 Minute ‘EMOM’ of:
Strict HSPU, Aim for 3-6 reps each min.
Notes: We want to build volume as well, as strength. Look at your scaling if applicable and learn from it. We’d love more reps but whats more important is building that strength and range of motion.
We are attempting to up our volume this week albeit by only a few reps.
Form wise, point your toes to the sky, squeeze everything! butt, quads, belly, toes even! Push hard into the ground with active shoulders and keep a hollow body.
Scaling options: if not able to do any of the above is a handstand hold ‘EMOM’, going for a 15-20 second active hold on the minute with the rest of the minute as rest. If unable to kick up then scale is practice the art of kicking up, go for 4-5 attempts on the minute.