Strength WoD:
“Quick Draw McGraw”
For Load
Hang Power Clean:
Every Minute On The Minute, For 15 Mins……
Mins 1 – 5: 5 Reps
Mins 6 – 10: 3 Reps
Mins 11: – 15: 1 Rep
- Heavvvvvvveeeeeyyyyy Day!! This time we hit up some Olympic lifting.
- The Hang Power Clean is an amazing development tool to aid our speed through the middle. It is in fact the fastest portion of the full movement, the clean. In that full move we need to display patience in the deadlift portion but once the bar is past the knees it is time to go go go!!!
- Now. Let’s dispel a myth here. We do NOT pull the barbell upward. We actually use our legs and drive them onto the floor beneath us. This active power-propulsion will start to have the bar come upward (in conjunction with your rapidly opening hips). At this point we initiate a shrug of the shoulders which is no more than setting the scene for us to safely pull ourselves UNDERNEATH the bar.
- “The pulling UNDER is where the speed is going to come into play” – Coach Mike Burgener.
- Today we don’t need to squat that bar out (probably done enough of that the last couple of days!!). Instead, one we pull ourself under the bar, with the worlds fastest elbows coming through, we will then put the brakes on and “catch” at the 1/4 squat portion.
- This EMOM today will start at a medium weight and we can use the minutes and changing rep scheme to build the load as we go. Who knows, maybe we see a new 1RM today!!
- Let’s get after it!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your LOADs to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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