Strength WoD:
For Load:
Strict Press
5 – 5
Push Press
3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3
Accessory / Finisher:
Accumulate 2 Minutes of an Overhead Barbell Hold @80% your 1RM Strict Press
(4 min cap).
- We explore our overhead potential today. The strict shoulder press is about raw strength whereas the push press is about you capitalising on your powerful hips.
- *Remember “Heavy” is all relative to the individual. The actual numbers don’t mean diddly squat (no pun intended). We don’t look for how much you can lift. We look at how WELL you can lift the load. Going “Heavy” is all about you challenging you to stress & stimulate your body & nervous system. Go as “Heavy” as your body will allow for on the day.
- The accessory at the end is to help build a stable base in our overhead position. Use 80% of your 1RM strict press (no more than this). Get the bar up anyhow. Once up there keep it directly over your head, squeeze your everything & lock down the ribs.
- The idea is to accumulate the 2 mins in as few sets as possible in the 4 min cap. Going forward you are NOT allowed to add weight until you can do the 2 mins unbroken.
- Anyone in a compromising position overhead will be brought down to a more appropriate load.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
Post Loads to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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