A): 12 mins Skill work on the Handstand Push Up (evenly split your time on both strict and kipping), then go straight into….
3 Minute AMRAP of Kipping HSPU
Form tips: Midline stabilisation! Look to focus your efforts on bracing as hard as you can through the middle. When working the strict try to employ the “tap & go” method. This is when you are at full lockout and you take a big breath into the belly to brace, lower yourself until your head makes contact with the ground or mat and immediately try press back up again, all still whilst you’ve maintained that air inside the diaphragm. We know this may sound obvious but we still see time and time again athletes start at lockout, lower down to the ground and then exhale, shift their hands and expect to be able to push back up again. It don’t work like that we’re afraid!! You gotta brace!
With the hands maintain a tripod stance. You should be able to see your thumbs in your vision. If you can’t then you are already in the wrong position and are lending yourself to failure!
B): Dead Lift 3 x 5, (No more than 85% of 1RM)
Form tips:
– work to establish and maintain vertical shins at all times.
– set your back straight as a die.
– maintaining those vertical shins, pull your hips down and get the chest up.
– find the weight in your heels.
– drag that bar up those legs! (keep it close!!)
– hips & shoulders to rise at the same time until bar has passed knees, then its time to extend those hips and stand all the way up.
– squeeze your legs, butt and stomach at the top.
– on the way down push those hips back, way back, and glide the bar down your legs.
– when you get passed the knees make the whole unit sink back to the floor, still maintaining those vertical shins!