WoD: “Trap Door!”
5 Rounds For Reps:
1 Minute, Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (35 / 25 kg)
1 Minute, Overhead Squats (35 / 25 kg)
1 Minute, Calorie Rower
1 Minute, REST
- Today as all about how many Reps you can muster over a 60 second period. Make no mistake we don’t mean it to say that you should flog yourself at all costs!! TECHNIQUE is what paves the way to mastery!!
- The weight today is lightweight. This will mean we will be able to move the barbell multiple times over & over. Technique on point and your movement will be easier to execute. Disregard the technique and it all goes pear shaped! (FYI: we won’t allow this to happen!).
- Use the fact that you get one minutes rest at the end of every round to go hard on the Rower! The Rower is NOT a place to coast!
- Lets get after it!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
Post Loads to Beyond The Whiteboard
Remember the order – Hips – Shrug – Arms (Elbows High) – “Un-Zip” (Arms Down)
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