Barbell accessory time!!
A): Barbell Bent Over Row 3 x 10 (heavier than last week if possible)
NOTES: As always the emphasis here is on your back and how tight and flat you can keep it. Maintain the straightest of backs that you can muster. Draw the bar up to make contact with the body on EVERY REP. FYI, the bar should be touching your upper abs/lower chest area. It shouldn’t be touching your belly button area.
A strong upper back region will transfer over to so many other facets of your CrossFit training. Keep working on that. π
B): Front Rack Lunges 3 x 12 (6 per leg AND unbroken)
NOTES: This popped up in the main programming a few weeks back and we noticed how the majority of peeps we’re saying how much their butt was hurting! This tells us that we need to be engaging the good ol glutes some more! Hence why you will be seeing a lot more of glute work (just look out for next week!!).
Get the bar up into the front rack position (you can use a rack if you like). Keep the elbows up and the abs switched on (if you aren’t switching the abs on and you go in sloppy your’ll really suffer eith this one). With a shoulder width stance lead forward with your dominant foot and lunge. Your rear knee must touch the ground and when you’re in the lunged position try to keep the front leg with a vertical shin. Don’t shoot the knee forward and likewise don’t hang the knee miles back either.
Drive back up off that front foot back to your starting position and repeat with the other leg. Keep your abs and butt engaged the entire time. π