CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Thursday 23rd January

A): Back Squat 3 x 5 (attempt 1-3 kg more than last week)

NOTES: With the overhead squat being in the WOD yesterday this may be too much for your body to cope with. Listen to your body and give the squats a miss. If you are up to the task then go for it. Use the Rogue rack with the safety arms if you don’t have any spotters around. (Quick note: on this progression you should not be at a point of failure but with yesterday’s squats in mind have the arms at the ready).
As always with the squat actively screw your feet into the ground (no duck feet please), send your hips back & down and descend down until your hip crease gets below the top of your knee. Keep the chest up and then drive up hard!
Keep your weight on your heels throughout.

B): Strict Pull Up/Weighted Pull Up 3 x 8

NOTES: The pull up is one of the most quintessential movements in CrossFit. And one the we strive to do as quickly and as efficiently as possible! Kipping, butterfly, it all looks very sexy in WODs but in order to do this you NEED the strength prerequisites to perform them. This is where the trusty Strict Pull Up comes in.
If you’re in a band your scaling should be different to that of your WOD scenario. Your’ll most likely need a bit more help. Don’t make it so easy that you go unbroken in all 3 sets without breaking a sweat. Challenge yourself. Stick to the same scale for all 3 sets.
If you’re unassisted on the bar see if you can go unbroken on all 3 sets. For this is “qualification” process required to do weighted pull ups. If you do go unbroken awesome, next time you can go for weighted. If you cannot, then next time you don’t do weighted.
If you are good for weighted pull ups use the rope by the kettlebells to tie a plate or plates between your legs or grab a kb and hang it off your toes.

With all variations there are common denominators. That is that you must go from a dead hang and you must get you chin over the top of the bar (not in line with it!). Absolutely no kipping!!

On last note: if you’re in a band you DO NOT add any weight. Master the unassisted pull up first before even thinking about doing a weighted version.

Have fun 🙂

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Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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