CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Thursday 24/10/19


  Strength WoD – “Perfect Blend”

For 20 Minutes:

10 Deadlifts 

10 Strict Handstand Push Ups


Choose the loading on the barbell


  • Lovely combination of movements on the menu today. This will be a far cry from the workouts of the past couple days. Yes we are going long. Yes it technically is scored for as many rounds as you can. BUT this is NOT a classical AMRAP 20 like you may know from WoDs like “Cindy”.
  • Today is about strength development and volume. Nothing more, nothing less. You get to choose the weight on the barbell. We want it to be a consistent weight choice throughout. Don’t go feeding your ego by adding kilos to the bar each round!
  • How heavy you say? Well that depends on a few factors. Namely speaking how much do you love that barbell and are you likely to bias your WoD because you favour the deadlift because you like it more? If that’s the case then you should probably go lighter than you think. If you are on the other end of the spectrum and you love the gymnastics but loathe the heavier barbell then you should prioritise the deadlift and add a few more kilos on. Of course this goes without saying (but we will anyways) that you only lift x amount of kg IF your form is top notch. Remember we aren’t looking for fast deadlifts. Just fully controlled ones.
  • For the strict ‘HSPU’ the number may be on higher side of things. Don’t let that put you off. There will be scaling options on offer to keep you moving. Use this type of day to DEVELOP the move. Full range of motion will always trump loss of ‘ROM’ so if you require a scale option use the most ‘ROM’ that your body can possibly muster.
  • All up we want 8 rounds as a minimum result WITH you not blowing your hair on fire to do so. Sweat by all means. Moderate levels of intensity are encouraged but not all-out super-dooper high intensity today. Walk away from there gym having genuinely developed something about these two moves.
  • Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
  • Scale as needed.


Post LOAD on the Deadlift & your Number of ROUNDS/REPS to Beyond The Whiteboard.

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Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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