WoD: “Go Hard Or Die Trying”
Complete For Time:
30 Power Snatch**
M: 52.5kg. —|— W: 35kg.
- Going on from last weeks efforts on the 30 Clean & Jerks at this weight we turn our attention to the Snatch. Specifically the Power Snatch. Last week we wanted lots of reps cycled out and kept efficient. Nothing changes this week. Only this time there will be consequences when you need to break a set. Hmmmmmmm. what ever do we mean??? What does the asterisk mean???
- All we can say is…..
- Are you ready to run????
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your TIME to Beyond The Whiteboard.
Some great tips on how to cycle your way to a faster time
**= Every time you break a set on the barbell means a China Town Run
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