CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Thursday 28th November

If you haven’t already check out the website from your phone. We had it upgraded to be mobile applicable. If you have your iPhone handy go check out the site. It looks awesome!!


Anyways back to business.


A): 12 Minutes to find your hardest scale Handstand Push Up

NOTES: Be strict on the 12 minute time cap. It’s actually a huge amount of time to be going upside down and taxing your shoulders. When we say hardest scale, we mean HARDEST SCALE. Not a hard scale and then try an easier one, then an easier one, and so on and so forth. It should also go without saying, but i’ll say it anyways. No Kip. we want only STRICT HSPU’s. Sorry if that upsets you but in the training environment, and especially one outside of any WOD or comp, it should always be strict. this THE best way to get stronger at HSPU’s. Warm your shoulders up with handstand holds inside of that 12 mins. Make sure they’re ready to press. Create the tri-pod with your hands and head. Fingers should be pointing toward the wall and elbows will be facing either back to the wall or most likely a 45 degree angle away from your head. Don’t go further than that. If you need/want help please come see Karl for more tips.



B): 9 Minutes to find you heaviest load in the following  Dumbbell complex:

Hang Power Clean – Hang Squat Clean – Hang Squat Clean to Thruster x 2 (the whole complex twice over).

NOTES: This is a great one for mental toughness as well as great grip strength. Remember that a complex is all 3 moves in order without putting the DB’s down at all. Things to keep an eye on are not curling the DB’d (obviously), keeping your knees in check throughout. There seems to be a tendency to let the knees knock inward when working with DB’s. This isn’t on at all. In fact it’s even more imperative that you keep “knees out!” at these points. The instability of using DB’s is the main reason why things like this tend to happen. Combat this with lots of bracing. Brace your core (torso upright), Brace your butt (squeeze), brace your knees (knees Out!!). 

Also this one is a very good one for the peeps involved in the upcoming local comp. go hard, mentally push through the barrier when all you want to do is put them DB’s down. Have fun.



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Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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