Strength WoD:
For Load:
Hang Snatch
3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3
- Some good work on the olé Olympic Lifting! The snatch & all its variants are a wonderfully complex movement. It take time to get really really good at this move and your strength gainzzzz take time to come to fruition.
- This doesn’t come as linearly as say a back squat or deadlift. you can’t just add 5kg every time. you need to learn the basic positions. Master this positions & then when you think you have nailed the positions go back and re-learn them!
- Most of your life in lifting Olympic movements will be spent at “light” weight (as compared to your squat) but just being in these key positions, learning to engage your hamstrings, your lat muscles. Feel exactly where the wight is being distributed in your feet. doing this time after time, rep after rep will pay divided for your future self and movement patterns need to be engrained.
- Be prepared for a LOT of reps in warm up. don’t use this an excuse as to why you can’t hit X amount of kilos. If we don’r warm up your CNS (Central Nervous System) with the broom &/or empty bar then you won’t get the best out of yourself in the working sets.
- no “finishers”, no WoD after the sets. Just the 7 working sets building to your heaviest 3-rep set (with good form), and a bunch of practice sets before it.
- The Hang Snatch today is the SQUAT version. Work fast to get under the bar, all the way down!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
Post Loads to Beyond The Whiteboard
A classic display of some great, good & ugly lifting.
See if you can tell which is which.
(Hint, Big Aussie Chad is NOT one of the ugly lifters!)
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