Happy Thursday folks!
Hope your week has been going well.Also we hope that you are coping well with this weeks WODs too!
There has ben a fair amount of work done so far. Your work capacity has been awesome to witness. A good amount of volume, lots of conditioning, not to mention a good bit bit of barbell too. All handy components to prep for a tough Open WOD this weekend.
For what its worth we are predicting a longer WOD, 15-18 minutes. For it to be a triplet with more of a gymnastic feel to it. But then again it could be a clean ladder! HaHa!!
Anyways here’s todays offering. If you do it be sure to take notes afterwards for yourself on how you fared with pacing and reps, etc.
A): 8 mins of Open WOD 11.5
“11.5” is:
- 5 Power Cleans (65/45)
- 10 Toes to Bar
- 15 Wall Ball (9/7)
Notes: This was originally a 20 minute AMRAP, and if you have ever had the chance to go at this one then you will know that is a grind to say the least! The Cleans look like a simple part of this WOD but they get heavy, quickly! 10 t2b’s soon become a hard task to do unbroken and the wall balls. Well don’t get us started on the wall balls! 15 of them?! every round?! Argh!
Seriously though this WOD was a great lesson on how to master your pace, keep moving through and not giving in over an extended period. We are doing 8 mins worth to give you a taster. it’s not designed for you to go all out like a bull to a red rag. Think of it as the first half of a WOD that is 20 mins long. We still want you to push hard and give it a good go. Aim for 4 rounds or more as a result.
Be strict on your form on all movements, we don’t want you breaking down and getting into sketchy positions like is common in the Open itself. Please remember this is still training and not a comp.
Cleans to be done with a flat back, shrug from the shoulders (no arm pulling please!), and get under it to catch the bar efficiently. Toes 2 Bar, try to keep fluidity about your movements, activate those lats and slam hard on the bar. Lastly Wall Balls, make sure you hit full depth every time, ad hit your target with accuracy. Don’t blind chuck the ball up hoping for a hit at the top. Use those legs to good effect.
B): Catch UP from a piece missed earlier in the week.