CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Thursday 7th November

Floor Press!! and  Power Cleans!


A): Floor Press 3 x 8

NOTES: This may be the first time you are about to do a floor press. Don’t fret its quite a simple one to get right. Unfortunately it’ also very easy to mess it up too! Essentially a floor press is like the Bench Press, only without the bench! what you need to think of here is externally rotating your shoulders and keeping your elbows tight in. Grip is to be similar to that of your push up stance (hands at around shoulder width). With your shoulders organised you lower the bar until either the bar touches your chest or the bumper plates touch the ground. Drive the bar back up to full lock out ensuring you remain tight in the body throughout. (i.e: don’t arch away in the back trying to shorten the range). With regard to the bar path it should start directly over your chest/nipular area and not over the neck/head. Lower it to the mid/lower part of the chest (again somewhere near to the said nipular area) then drive it back up to where it started. Logistically speaking your’ll need a spotter even if it’s just to hand you the bar and take it off you again. Please grab a Coach if you are unsure about anything or need a spot.


B): Power Clean 6 x 3 @ no more than 90% (touch AND go reps only please).

NOTES: Fun one this. Now we’ve said to go no more than 90% of your 1RM (provided you have some idea of what that may be). But if you cannot remain in control of the bar, keep it in close AND hit full hip extension, then you will need to lower the percentage to 80% if not 70%. Form and accurate execution is the key here. If you cannot achieve the things just mentioned then this session won’t go well. Also we want touch and go reps only. No re-gripping on the floor, long pauses for thought on the floor. do all that with bar in hand standing up. With your set up make sure you’re feet are under your hips, and that they land at shoulder width apart when  you receive the bar. Delay all and any early arm pulling. trust you hips. Trust that you will open them fully and get the bar moving with your legs. Have fun with this one. Try not to rest longer than 90-120 seconds between rounds.



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