WoD: “Gwen”
15 – 12 – 9 (reps for LOAD)
Unbroken Clean & Jerk
Touch and go at the floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping.
Use the same weight for each set. Rest as needed between sets.
- Cracking strength day today! This is as much mental as it is physical (you hear that quite a lot in CrossFit hey??).
- Unlike other strength days where you normally try to build loading as you go. This is about establishing the load you want to challenge yourself with and then keep that same weight for all of your sets. After you grind out the set of 15 (and it should be a load that really forces you to dig deep) all you need to do it sit down and rest it out for as long as you need to recover (think 5 mins odd). Then come back and tackle the next set. Sounds simple right? Well, if you find the right loading it will be anything but simple!
- Overall goal today is to find the challenging load you can use across all three sets. Those last 2-3 reps will hurt a lot! Embrace it & hang on!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
Post your LOAD used in the three sets to your Beyond The Whiteboard account.
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