Strength WoD:
[A]: Tempo Back Squat
3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3
>> Tempo is 3-1-x-2 <<
- “Heavy Day” on the Rooftop!
- The Tempo set today is 31×2. The first number denotes the time taken, in seconds, to be spent to get to the bottom position. The second number denotes the time to be spent in the bottom position. The third number, or symbol in this case, denotes the time meant to be taken on the way back up. The fourth number denotes the time to be spent at the top position.
- Why issue Tempo to your lifting???
- 1) Time Under Tension, The more time, the more gainzzz.
2) It allows you, the athlete, to find and feel optimal depth and positioning.
3) It allows us, the coaches, to help you find and feel said optimal depth and positioning.
3) Eliminate any excessive “bouncing” at end range.
4) New stimulus = New strength 🙂 - When we program Heavy Days & nothing else we are trying to elicit the most amount of adaptation possible from your body (safely & with good form of course). Lift as Heavy as you are able & force there strength adaption.
- Because there is a specific tempo to proceedings you must go “by feel” on the loadings. Please don’t assume & expect your “usual” numbers to fly. If its feeling heavier than normal its because of the extra Time Under Tension!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
Post all loads to Beyond The Whiteboard.
Why tempo work?? watch away.
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