Strength WoD:
[A]: Strict Press:
8 – 8 – 8
[B]: Reverse Deficit Rack Lunges
10 – 10 – 10
[C]: Hollow Hold:
Accumulate 2:00 in a good Hollow Body Hold (within a 4 min cap)
- Strength Days are vital to the program. If you don’t stress your muscles, joints & nervous system then they won’t adapt &grow stronger. This is in large part why, when we program strength, that we just have you do the strength work and not flood you with a high intensity WoD or “Finisher” or another piece just to tip you over the edge. You simply don’t need all that unless you are actually training to be competitive within the sport of CrossFit, or you are specifically training to gain strength for another sport.
- Your body (& mind for that matter) needs to fully focus on the job at hand and lift as Heavy as possible with good form. This ensures EVERY strength day you is bloody heard & leaves you tired, jaded & sore. This is where you then need to recover and allow the adaption happen.
- Don’t underestimate the power of strengthening the “basic” or “accessory” type movements. To enhance your overhead strict pressing will have HUGE carryover to all the other sexy moves. Get your single leg strength up to par and low & behold both you Squat AND your Deadlift will go up!
- And yes, the Hollow Hold is also a strength movement. Can you do 2 minutes unbroken with GOOD & PROPER form?? Improve this and your EVERYTHING will get better, from your barbell work to your gymnastics work.
- Lets go!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
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Where ya elbows at yo?
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