CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Tuesday 12/03/19

The humble push-up! . Photo Credit: Angela Clancy

The humble push-up!
Photo Credit: Angela Clancy

WoD: "Cinderella"

Complete For Time, or As Far As You Can Go in 20 Minutes


5 Strict Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Air Squats

10 Strict Pull Ups

20 Push Ups

30 Air Squats

20 Strict Pull Ups

40 Push Ups

60 Air Squats

40 Strict Pull Ups

80 Push Ups

120 Air Squats


  • Volume in physical fitness training is a something that needs to be earned over time not expected. There is a misconception within training, and CrossFit training certainly fits this bill, that after a certain amount of time the prescribed movements or weights will be something that you "should" be able to do by now. Or that just because you have been training in Crossfit for X amount of months/years that you "should be RX by now".
  • What we are failing to see is the variables in each individual. Sure, one fellow might show up and within 2 months can do the above workout as prescribed and go very deep into it, if not finish it entirely. The rest of the class look on in awe and then look to themselves and think "but i've been doing this for a year and i can't do that". In one quick assumption this person has belittled their own achievements of the past year just because of someone else's performance. What we don't know is this person across the room, lets call her Jane, has come from another CrossFit gym back home,  has been training & playing high level sports for most of her life and as such has a training age fast higher than everyone else in the room. She, over time, has earned her training volume.
  • It is never more evident than it is with gymnastics training that the ability to do what's on the whiteboard "as prescribed" is achieved via many, many days of training. Many, many days of plugging away to get those pull-ups in abundance. Endless sessions on working on keeping your belly tight during the humble push-up. Tireless hours spent perfecting your air squat with squat therapy &/or mobility work so that when the time comes for you to punch out 40, 50, 60 in row, you can do and look good doing it too.
  • It isn't always easy to see progress in gymnastics training. Basically we are looking for your body position not to change as you advance up the levels and you accumulate the ability to do more & more work. This would be the same as adding on 2.5kg to your squat each time. Think a little deeper about your gymnastics moves and how they can actually have great carryover back to things like your barbell work and it might have you wanting to hit it more enthusiastically.
  • Don't worry about the girl or guy next to you doing the WoD. You can't control what they do or how they do it. Just worry about what you can control. And what you can control is a lot of things. You can control your mindset, your approach to it, your choice of scaling if needed. Your strategy to best attack your WoD.  Your body positions and movement integrity, etc.
  • Let's start the shorter week right! Make this the day you start your volume building journey. Who knows too if we want see a version of this workout in the remainder of the Open too?!?! Let the fun begin!
  • Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
  • Scale as needed.


Post yourTIME or  to your Beyond The Whiteboard account.

Check out these ninjas hitting a Strict version of "Cindy". Don't be fooled by their age. We don't actually know their "Training Age" do we?? And seeing as this video is from the original HQ of CrossFit Kids then we'd bet these kiddo's have been doing it for a while already!

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Rooftop of Dreams

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