It’s Australian Regionals week!! Have a look at to check out the first weekends worth of action from the US. It makes for fantastic viewing and gives us a glimpse at how far the competitive side has come since the days of the Ranch.
– If you need any pointers on this during Open Gym, come grab a coach and we will get you going.
A): Barbell Bent Over Row, 5 x 10
(Aim is to get the load to that of your “8’s” that were in previous weeks)
Form tips:
Important move this. make sure to keep your back dead straight. make the bar touch the body on each rep.
the challenge here is set the load you to the same load you use for sets of 8. We also want to keep rest to a minimum and challenge you to achieve all reps successfully.
don’t dilly dally with this and the objective is unbroken sets.
B): Strict Pull Up – 10 Minute EMOM – 3 – 7 Reps.
*Upscale of Chest 2 Bar offered, or Upscale 2.0 offering of Strict Muscle Ups!!
(Aim is to go for unbroken sets)
Form tips:
– Get those lats & shoulders active.
– Thumb AROUND the bar.
– Chin all the over the top of the bar.
– Pull yourself in toward the bar on your finish (you should theoretically be able to rest your chin on top of it).
– Return to full lock out at the bottom.
– No kipping!!
– The aim is for all reps to be unbroken reps in each set.
– If you start to break up the reps then try to rest no more than 20 seconds when inside of actual sets.
C): Optional Challenge for the week!! – Day 2……
Lets have a little test for this week. Can you accrue some good quality time spent in the L-sit hold??? We’re talking about honest to goodness holding to your upmost hardest scale, be it straight legs with a box under you feet, or if you’re starting out, knees bent (but heels in front of your hands).
If you’re up for it your challenge is to accrue a full 8 minutes of holding the L-sit! Don’t overdo it, try to get around 90 secs – 2 mins each day and see how your betters from one day to the next, or fades if the case may be!
Give it a go and lets build that midline!
Enjoy 🙂