WoD: “Backing It Up”
For Load:
Back Squat
3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3
- Heavy Dayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
- The back squat as most people know is AN AMAZING strength building movement. It literally works nearly everything in your body. It ain’t just about the ole pins y’know!
- For a start your abs are on fire trying to stabilise the whole system and keep you upright. Your upper back/traps & arms are wedging into the bar with all kinds of tension which will feel like a massive static hold. Even your calves & feet are getting in on the act as they are flexing and extending & contracting to their upmost to give you the best base possible. And then the pins. Ah the glorious legs (“look at ‘dem legs. Look at ‘dem legs. They’re amazing!”). Every singles part of your legs & hips is ON to drive you out of the hole!!
- Today we also add spice by pausing at the bottom of your first rep for 3 full seconds. This will add extra beef to building strong muscles. It will also make us wayyy more aware of our overall posture/position & depth too. #priceless
- Overall goal today is to start no less than a (current) 1RM and build across the five sets so the final set is the heaviest.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
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