Wave 1; Week 2
A): Barbell.
Bent Over Row
5 x 5,
Build load in first three sets then hold for final two.
Notes: Keep the back tight, don’t let it round. No funny jerking manoeuvres. Bring the bar to you and not the other way around.
A): Gymnastics.
10 Minute ‘EMOM’ of:
Unbroken Toes 2 Bar, Aim for 5-8 reps each min.
Notes: We are going to start looking at progressions that will lead to stringing big numbers of T2B’s together. If the rep scheme above is too high lower it to one you can obtain. We’d like to see at least 2-3 reps at least. We can build from there.
Scale Options:
i): If stringing reps is not on the table then lets build volume with this movement. Aim for 4 reps each minute.
ii): If unable to do T2B yet then kipping swings it is for now. Aim for 5 in the first minute; 8 in the second, & 10 in the third. Rotate through three rounds for a total of 9 mins. Aim to be more aggressive as the minutes go along.