Concentrate hard on your quality of movement. Always strive to move well and with virtuosity.
Remember: “practice makes perfect, and perfect practice makes permanent”.
As always please listen to your body. If it ain’t on, it ain’t on!! rest and mobilise!
Tuesday 15th July
A): Assault Bike Interval Fun !
4 Mins “ON”, 2 Mins EASY Pace.
3 Mins “ON”, 1 Min EASY Pace.
2 Mins “ON”, 30 seconds EASY Pace.
1 Min “ON”, DONE !!!
(Warm Up AND Cool Down of 5-8 mins each at a VERY EASY Pace is compulsory!!)
(Note: Right! Here we go!! Get your bum on the bike and lets have some fun! This will be a tough test of speed endurance. Can you keep going?? When it’s time for the “ON” portion you need to haul ass and try to keep going as hard as you can for that specified time. We won’t put a label on the ‘RPM’s’ as it may be your first time, or one of the first times your’ll be on this thing so take it as it comes.
With the “EASY Pace” just keep the wheel moving along at a gentle pace. Remember that you MUST warm up and cool down for 5-8 mins each or risk your quads being majorly sore the next couple days and it impacting your workout week, not to mention pride!).
B): 20 Mins of Muscle Up Progressions.
(Note: There are many ways in which to skin this cat – no pun intended! – If this is a goal of yours then come see the coaches and they will show you some progressions in order to help you. Please bear in mind that Rome was NOT built in a day, and when they were building it they sure as hell didn’t have any Muscle Ups either!!
The progressions that the coaches teach take time to perfect and require patience and dedication. Buy into the long term benefits of this rather than attempting some progressions and then aimlessly jumping on the rings to “have a go”.
Also bear in mind the strength requisites needed to be successful. Strict Pull Ups, Strict Chest To Bar Pull Ups to boot, and strict Ring Dips are your go to in order to have the strength to haul yourself up there. Yes thats even with a kip too!
If you do happen to have MU’s then still try some progressions to hone and perfect your skills. Try strict, try weighted, try max effort sets. You never stop learning and you never stop trying.)
Please respect all movements and do them to the best of your ability. Swallow your pride, if you cannot do a move because its too heavy then lighten the load! If you cannot get the technique right then either grab a coach or call it a day there.