CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Tuesday 17th December

One week till Christmas!!! Yay!!!
But on a semi serious note have you thought about what you want to achieve in 2014?? By all means enjoy the “silly” season and relax, eat, be merry and all that. But also take time to write down any goals/aims/aspirations yon have.
Come and discuss this with the coaches and we will try to help you put a plan in place.

A): Back Squat 3 x 5. (Add 2.5 – 5kg to last time).

NOTES: with the ROD program having been in place for a few months now, you will have noticed that there are some movements that we value greatly and feature every week either in this program or in the main programming. This is because these compound moves help build some major strength throughout the body. When we say to “add 2.5 – 5kg to last time” we are after a controlled linear progression. BUT this is only on the proviso that your FORM IS PERFECT. If when you are squatting it looks likes you are being tortured for high treason or something, then you need to bring that load down. We of course want to see you progress but please be patient and don’t overshoot the mark. If 5kg is too much of a jump then only add 1kg. It’s still a gain, buy. T a sensible gain.
On the form front, sit the bar on your trap muscles, keep it snug. Set your feet at shoulder width. Get ready to daw a big breath into the diaphragm. When you’re ready to lower push your hips back (not just your butt, but your hips as a whole) and let the torso slightly lean forward. Hit the depth which is HIP CREASE BELOW THE TOP OF THE KNEE. Drive back up leading with the chest. Keep those KNEES OUT the entire time.
(Also it should go without saying that if you are not hitting the depth ((the most common sign of too much load)), then that load is to come down a few kg’s).

B): Strict Ring Dips, 3 x 10 (3 x 5 weighted if you are a gun at normal Dips).

NOTES: Work hard to get your reps in here. If you are unassisted make sure they are all strict and not kipping. (If in a band then of course they are strict, just be sure to keep the hips open throughout). We’re looking for FULL RANGE OF MOTION. That means all the way down to the armpit/bicep area and back up to full extension. No shorting the rep range!
Keep the rings in close and facing front to back (not out to the side letting the shoulders internally rotate). Break reps up as needed.

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Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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