More prep for the upcoming Comps! Let’s go!!
A): NC Comp WOD #1:
Find Your 3 Rep Max Front Squat – No Racks! –
(Rules: 10 mins warm up, then 1 min rest, then 5 mins of “comp” time).
NOTES: This is the first WOD of the day this coming weekend. We are going to assume that you will not be allowed any racks to use. If they do give out racks then great, it’ll be a nice bonus.
We will break this down in to two segments. First up spend 10 mins warming up the squats (as if you were in the athlete warm up area), and after 10 mins you rest for 1 min and start with an empty barbell on the floor. You should be looking at 2-3 genuine attempts at the squats. The first one should be very near the mark of being close to a very significant weight, and something you know you can get. Get that something on the board and then start attacking the loads you hope to get on the board.
On the form front, make sure you keep your knees out and elbows up! No excuses for crappy form! Even in the comp itself!!
B): Strict Pull Up, 3 x 8 (keep same scaling throughout the 3 sets. Reps do not need to be unbroken, but should not be coming in singles).
NOTES: We haven’t seen these in the ROD for a wee while. It’s no secret that most people don’t like the strict pull up, and it is dumbfounding when you think about it because everybody wants to kip!!
Well if you want to kip your pull ups then you need to have the strength builtin the shoulders. Grab your band if you are on them and really resist the urge to swing in it. If you are unassisted on them then make sure you actually get your chin all the way over the top of the bar and not “near” it.
Second note: No weighted Pull Up this week!
C: GHD Sit Up, 1 -3 sets of 15 reps (experience dependant)
Notes: This is the first time GHD’s have appeared on the ROD program. Regardless of whether you have experience on it we want to see your first set to make sure you’re doing it right. Many, many people believe they are doing it right, when in actual fact they are just harming themselves.
If it is your first time on it you will be restricted to 1 set of 15 reps and possibly not all the way to the ground (the coach will test you out in certain ranges to determine where you should be going to). If you haven’t been on it for a while then 2 sets is your bag. Advanced athletes can do 3 sets.
We won’t even go through then you MUST grab a coach in open gym time. No coach – no GHD time! No exceptions!!