Mixing it up!!
A): 9 min EMOM of: 3 Ring Dips & 5 Ring Rows.
NOTES: get the most out of this EMOM. It may sound and look easy but give it the respect it deserves. This is here to help you improve your technique and add another dimension of strength to your pushing and pulling mechanics.
If your using scaling for the dips keep to that scale, no need to go overboard. And with the rows, if you can honestly say that you keep your body as rigid and straight as an arrow when doing rows (you’d be surprised how many athletes in the CrossFit world look at ring rows and scoff at them only to find they “kip” or cannot maintain a straight body resting on their heels) then you can add a box to put your heels on top.
Remember the rings MUST touch the body in every rep.
B): In 6 mins row 1000m, in remaining time AMRAP of Box Jumps (20″).
NOTES: Nice little conditioning piece. We’re after both your row time and how many box jumps. Don’t go all out on the row, we’re not looking for world records here. Hit it at about 80-90% and give yourself a decent amount of time for the jumps. You should be able to go straight into the Box Jumps without having to rest for an excessive amount of rest (do be sure to shake out those legs before the first jump!).
You can rebound if you choose but be confident and make sure you make the height with scoot of room to spare. It’s 20″ for both male and females.