CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Tuesday 1st July


CrossFit Games 2014 is in 26 days!!!

Concentrate hard on your quality of movement. Always strive to move well and with virtuosity.

Remember practice makes perfect, and perfect practice makes permanent.

As always please listen to your body. If it ain’t on, it ain’t on!! rest and mobilise!



Tuesday 1st July


A): Ring Dips, 25 Reps or 7  Minutes,

Whichever comes first. (This is for QUALITY).


(NoteQuality is the focus. If you cannot keep pace, 25 reps is one every 16 seconds, then don’t bother. We’d rather you use less help and build strength & form rather than hit a “number”. If we cannot adhere to this then next time it’ll be 45 reps or 7 mins!).





B): 3 x 500m Row, (rest 2 mins between efforts).

(Note: Aim for about 80-85% of your 500m PR pace. This would be a pace you could theoretically handle in a WOD, albeit pushing hard to get that pace. Don’t game it by strolling through the first two and hitting the last one hard. Likewise don’t blow it all on the first run!)



Please respect all movements and do them to the best of your ability. Swallow your pride, if you cannot do a move because its too heavy then lighten the load! If you cannot get the technique right then either grab a coach or call it a day there.



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Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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